
The Right Tools

You wouldn't use a hammer to tighten a nut, would you? Likewise, you wouldn't use a flashlight to cook food, right?

There exists the right tool for the right task, and in order to get maximum effectiveness out of a tool, you need to know how to properly use it. After all, blindly using power tools can be costly.

The same goes with websites.

Google's Easter Eggs

Did you know that while waiting for your YouTube video to load, you can play the game Snake? Try going to Google Search and typing "do a barrel roll."

What about all those hidden treats in DVDs, where going to a specific menu and hitting the right keys or selecting certain choices in a particular order reveals some nifty hidden content?

These are all examples of easter eggs, hidden treats that delight when found...but finding them is half the fun. Easter eggs are usually just that, treats, but can they be used for greater marketing good?

Google Treasure Maps

April Fools' Day pranks have always been a mainstay of our society, a time to prank and be mischievous. But past our younger years, it's been regarded a strictly a "childish" act, as professionals simply don't have the time for such shenanigans.

So when tech giants like Google started publishing April Fools pranks of their own, the general public only fell head over heels for it. And for them.

It's been very telling that this year Google was joined by so many other industry leaders and household names in releasing an April Fools promotion or fake-marketing campaign. But are these companies just in the spirit, or is there a strategy behind this?

Internet Troll

It's going to happen eventually. If you have a comments system, or a submissions box, or anything that allows the anonymous public to send you input, it is bound to happen. The more publicly visible those submissions can get, the higher the likelihood of it happening.

I'm talking about trolls. Those rabble-rousers of the Web, the ne'er-do wells, the obnoxious jerks and put-downs. How is one supposed to deal with them?

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